Installing and configuring software

Author $Author: simon $ The author field is supplied automatically by the CVS; you should not change it manually.
Purpose Template for Weft Technology Ltd internal documents.
Status Current one of 'Draft', 'Current', 'Obsolete'; where a document is marked as current, the latest version of that document in the CVS is the ruling version.
Version $Revision: 1.4 $ The revision is supplied automatically by the CVS; you should not change it manually.
$Log: software.html,v $
Revision 1.4  2000/09/03 17:57:07  simon
Correction of minor errors in setup instructions for Jigsaw.


Configuring Access

Microsoft Access is supposed to be installed on the machines in before I get there, so let's hope it is! If it is, this is how we will configure it for the work we will be doing in the workshops:

Java SDK 1.3

[Java logo]

The conditions of the Java SDK license are such that I can't distribute it on the CD-ROM. I'm hoping that it will have been installed on the machines in the terminal room before I get to Yokohama, but if it has not been you will need to download it from <URL:>


Sun Java has a typically complex commercial license. Read it yourself - I don't claim to be able to summarise it.

Installing and configuring Java SDK 1.3

Jacquard 1.0.1

[Weft logo]

Jacquard is Weft's Servlet toolkit. It's not nearly as important or general as the other components listed here; there are other toolkits equally good or possibly better. However, it will help us to glue all the other bits together and allow us to make reasonable progress in the time we have available.

Jacquard is on the CD both unpacked in /inet2001/jacquard and packed in /inet2001/distributions/linux/jacquard_1.4.5.tgz and /inet2001/distributions/windows/


Jacquard is released under BSD-style license; you may alter it, copy it, give it away, and use it in things you sell. If you do so you should include an acknowledgment line in your documentation. Jacquard is included on the CD-ROM unpacked in /inet2001/jacquard and packed in /inet2001/distributions/linux/jacquard_1.0.1.tgz and /inet2001/distributions/windows/

Installing and configuring Jacquard

You don't need to do anything to install and configure Jacquard.

Tomcat 3.1

[tomcat logo]

Tomcat is the Apache Foundation's new Servlet server; it is also the reference implementation of the Java Servlet 2.2 API specification.

Note that this is not the latest version of Tomcat - it's one which is proven and tested with all the other bits of software we're using.


Tomcat is released under Apache license; you may alter it, copy it, give it away, and use it in things you sell. If you do so you should include an acknowledgment line in your documentation.

Installing and configuring Tomcat

For the purposes of the course, simply copy the jakarta-tomcat-3.2.1 directory from the CD-ROM onto your hard disk. Note that this is a slightly tweaked tomcat installation, including the Jar files needed during the course.

Xalan-J 1.1

[Apache XML logo]

Xalan is the Apache Foundation's XSL-T processor, contributed to Apache by IBM. It is included on the CD-ROM unpacked in /inet2000/xalan_1_1/, and packed in /inet2000/distributions/linux/xalan-j_1_1.tar.gz.

Note that this is not the latest version of Xalan - it's one which is proven and tested with all the other bits of software we're using.


Xalan is released under Apache license; you may alter it, copy it, give it away, and use it in things you sell. If you do so you should include an acknowledgment line in your documentation.

Installing and configuring Xalan

You don't have to do anything to install or configure Xalan.

Xerces-J 1.1.2

[Apache XML logo]

Xerces is one of the Apache Foundation's XML parsers (Xerces was contibuted to Apache by IBM; the Crimson parser was contributed to Apache by Sun). We will be using Xerces on Tuesday's course, Moving to XML, only. Xerces is included on the CD-ROM unpacked in /inet2000/xerces-1_1_2 and packed in /inet2000/distributions/linux/Xerces-J-bin.1.1.2.tar.gz and /inet2000/distributions/linux/Xerces-J-src.1.1.2.tar.gz

Note that this is not the latest version of Xerces - it's one which is proven and tested with all the other bits of software we're using.


Xerces is released under Apache license; you may alter it, copy it, give it away, and use it in things you sell. If you do so you should include an acknowledgment line in your documentation.

Installing and configuring Xerces

You don't have to do anything to install or configure Xerces.

Working with it

Copy the folder /inet2000/work from the CD-ROM to your local disk. Open an MS-DOS prompt window and cd to the work directory. Use notepad to edit your files; always save them in your work directory.

To compile Java source files,
To install a servlet,
To transform XML files using XSL stylesheets,

Simon Brooke

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